Monday, December 25, 2006

Making a Hard-boiled Egg - A Challenge

"This isn't a hard-boiled egg!" my wife complained.
"Not too loud, Sweety. Your mama might hear us," I answered back quietly.
Like every man of the house, I do the cooking once in a while. This is now my second attempt so I'm puzzled (mind you I'm a Certified House Chef) and disappointed why I can't even cook a dumb egg. My eggs are cracked with some of the white out into the water. After removing the shells, I ended up having scrambled eggs with no dignity!
Resigned! Don't laugh at me, I bet you can't do a better job either.
Consistent dedication over a considerable period of time is a must if you are to succeed in any project worth pursuing.
Consistent attendance on a course over four years earns you a degree. Consistent sowing of corn earns you sackfuls of corn after four months. Consistent display of affection towards an unmarried lady for a period of one hour to five years (depending on your target) earns you a wife. Consistent nutrition of an embryo on a woman's womb earns you a baby after nine months of waiting.
How foolish am I to think that I can have my hard-boiled egg immediately!
For aspiring chefs, maintain a consistent 100 degrees C on the egg for 23.10 minutes to make a hard-boiled egg. And don't forget to put some water! (I wish my thermometer and watch are not broken.)
Do you want to be a success?
Be consistent in your work and patient enough to wait. Your effort will be richly rewarded in due time.

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