Monday, January 8, 2007

Shih Tzu - A Robust and Healthy Breed By Nature

The shih tzu by nature is a very healthy and robust breed. The shih tzu like any other breed must be immunized against infectious diseases in puppyhood and then given a booster once per year. Proper nutrition is essential in maintaining the basic robust health of a shih tzu. At Stain Glass Shih Tzu we feed HealthyPetNet Life's Abundance Daily Nutritional System.
A shih tzu needs plenty of fresh air and sunshine along with love and affection to remain healthy. Shih tzu do best in a pampered environment. Shih Tzu have a great need for the close association of their human companions. Nothing makes a shih tzu happier than to be with the people they love.
Every shih tzu owner should be prepared to recognize when their shih tzu is sick or hurting. Symptoms that should be evaluated by your vet are: Abnormal behavior, sudden viciousness or lethargy; abnormal discharge from the nose, eyes or any body opening; abnormal lumps, limping, or difficulty getting up or lying down; loss of appetite; marked weight losses or gains, excessive water consumption; difficult, abnormal or uncontrolled waste elimination; excess head shaking, scratching and/or licking and/or biting any part of the body; dandruff, loss of hair; open sores or brittle, dull coat; foul breath or excessive tartar deposits on teeth.
If your shih tzu exhibits one or more of the above symptoms you can take the shih tzu's temperature with a short-bulb rectal thermometer before calling the vet for an appointment. A dog's normal temperature should be 101 degrees to 102 degrees F. If it is below or above the normal range, especially if it is a puppy, you need to have a vet consultation.
In an emergency, before you are able to get your shih tzu to the vet, keep the shih tzu quiet, warm and free from drafts. Offer the shih tzu water frequently. Stay near and comforting.
Proper care of your shih tzu will help maintain his general tendency toward being robust and staying healthy.

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