Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What if Cooking a Turkey was Hard?

What if cooking a Turkey was difficult? Would it be the most common dish for your families Thanksgiving Dinner? Would many families pick something simpler, something they could put into the Microwave?
Would Thanksgiving Supper be only celebrated by a few? What if Edward Winslow did not send four men out to shoot fowl and bring them back for the 1621 Harvest Feast, which inspired our current traditional Thanksgiving Holiday Family Feast? What if the men did not bring back any birds that day and instead shot a raccoon, skunk or brought back lobsters instead?
Did you know that the birds eaten at that first dinner were most likely swan and duck as well as wild Turkey? And by historical accounts no one knows for sure if they actually ate Turkey and if they did they most likely would have roasted it.
What if fresh turkeys were not actually as fresh as frozen turkeys? What if it did not take 24-hours to defrost a turkey? What if a 20-pound turkey could be defrosted in 15-minutes instead of one whole day? What if you could use a deep roasting pan without steaming the meat?
What if you could stuff your turkey at anytime rather than worrying about bacteria growth? What if you did not have to worry about the breast meat drying out? What if you did not need a big thermometer to cook a turkey? Ah what if indeed; What if Cooking a Turkey was difficult?

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