Saturday, July 28, 2007

Make Your Own Citronella Candles

Need a cost effective way to get rid of mosquitoes? Try making your own citronella candles and eliminate mosquitoes while providing a romantic, outdoor setting. Making citronella candles is easy and can cost as little as $0.25 per candle. Follow this step-by-step guide and make your own candles at home in less than 10 minutes:
Materials Needed:
Wax - Any form of all-purpose wax will do. This can be found in the canning section of the grocery store or in a craft or hardware store.
Citronella - You will need citronella oil for the candle to be effective against mosquitoes.
Mold - This is the container which you will be pouring the hot wax into. The container is your choice, if you want to get fancy you can but a recycled can or glass will also do.
Container for Melting Wax - Nothing specific, a saucepan filled with water or a coffee tin will do.
Wick - Your candle will not work without a wick. You can purchase wicks at any craft store or you can choose to do it yourself by dipping a string or cord into hot wax.
Thermometer - Any form of thermometer will do.
Releaser - Any form of cooking oil or silicone spray will do, as long as it does not have a petroleum base as it may release toxic fumes while burning.
Wooden Spoon - This will be used for stirring the wax.
Wick Cutter - A knife or a pair of scissors will do.

Make the Wick - Soak a piece of heavy string or cord into wax and set to dry on a sheet of wax paper. You can also buy candle wicks instead of making them.
Heat the Wax - Heat your container to approximately 140 degrees and place unmelted wax into it.
Add Citronella - As the wax is melting add 1-2 drops of citronella.
Releaser - As the wax is melting; spray your releaser into your mold.
Stir - Stir the melting wax softly with your wooden spoon.
Pour - Pour the wax into the mold and remember not to fill it to the top. Leave about one inch at the top of the mold.
Wicks - Place the wicks into the melting wax. Hold wick in place either using your hand or tie it to a pencil in order to ensure the wick stays upright and does not fall over.
Set to dry.
Making citronella candles is as easy as 1-2-3! Be truly unique and buy terra-cotta pots, paint them and use them as one-of-a-kind candle holders!

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